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The accuracy of fingerprint identifications is critically important to the administration of criminal justice. Accuracy is challenging when two prints from different sources have many common features and few dissimilar features. Such print pairs, known as close non‐matches (CNMs), are increasingly likely to arise as ever‐growing databases are searched with greater frequency. In this study, 125 fingerprint agencies completed a mandatory proficiency test that included two pairs of CNMs. The false‐positive error rates on the two CNMs were 15.9% (17 out of 107, 95% C.I.: 9.5%, 24.2%) and 28.1% (27 out of 96, 95% C.I.: 19.4%, 38.2%), respectively. These CNM error rates are (a) inconsistent with the popular notion that fingerprint evidence is nearly infallible, and (b) larger than error rates reported in leading fingerprint studies. We conclude that, when the risk of CNMs is high, the probative value of a reported fingerprint identification may be severely diminished due to an elevated false‐positive error risk. We call for additional CNM research, including a replication and expansion of the present study using a representative selection of CNMs from database searches.  相似文献   
In 1976, the Supreme Court of California issued its well-known Tarasoff Principle. From this principle, other courts found a duty to warn, and some found more than just a duty to warn, a duty to protect. As courts in other states adopted a version of the Tarasoff Principle, they issued a wide variety of third-party liability rules. In light of the dynamic, everchanging Tarasoff jurisprudence in the United States and recent relevant appellate court opinion in Missouri, a timely updated summary and update of Tarasoff-related jurisprudence in Missouri is warranted. In the present analysis, we compiled the four appellate court decisions that pertained to the questions of Tarasoff-like third-party liability in the State of Missouri: Sherrill v. Wilson (1983), Matt v. Burrell (1995), Bradley v. Ray (1995), and Virgin v. Hopewell (2001). We reviewed all legal measures for clinicians to protect nonpatients in Missouri, not just those that relate to protecting nonpatients from violence as in a Tarasof-like scenario. Thus, this paper concisely provides a compendium of such options and allows for a meaningful comparison of which legal, protective measures are mandatory and which are permissive, thereby evoking the question of whether measures of protecting nonpatients from a patient's violent acts ought to be mandatory duties or permissive application of professional judgment.  相似文献   
With domestic violence (DV) at an all-time high, police departments are drastically underutilizing technology to combat DV. Currently, New York police departments complete a “Domestic Incident Report” at the scene of domestic incidents but fail to adequately facilitate support services. New York State should mandate a services component into police DV protocols, specifically by commissioning: (1) an application linked to DV organizations presented at the scene of domestic incidents; and (2) a gateway application to refer victims to the correct services. Such tools would allow for the rendering of more efficient support to DV victims in times of immediate crisis.  相似文献   
The article aims to explore the perception of local government (LG) financial officers on the users, the uses, and the utility of the consolidated financial report in Italy, since it was one of the first countries to expressly provide for compulsory adoption. A questionnaire was sent to a statistical stratified sample of LG, collecting 133 responses (response rate 17%). The results, tested through the structural equation model we observe that social legitimization pressure rather than accountability patterns or performance analysis drive more the adoption process. The evidence indicates that the report is perceived as a potential tool for pursuing performance assessment strategies in a group context. However, this potentiality depends on the coordination effort made by the LG. The article finds out the rise of the topic of the public governance and the role of coordinating the local public group.  相似文献   
目的 观察开郁消痞方联合低剂量米氮平治疗功能性消化不良(functional dyspepsia,FD)伴体质量减轻(肝胃不和型)的临床疗效。方法 将64例FD伴体质量减轻患者按随机数字表法分为对照组和治疗组,每组32例。对照组给予常规治疗和米氮平,治疗组在常规治疗和低剂量米氮平治疗基础上给予开郁消痞方。比较两组治疗前后中医证候积分、体质量变化、汉密尔顿抑郁量表(Hamilton depression scale,HAMD)评分、汉密尔顿焦虑量表(Hamilton anxiety scale,HAMA)评分和不良反应情况。结果 治疗组临床疗效优于对照组(P<0.05)。两组治疗后体质量均较治疗前增加(P<0.05);治疗组体质量增加程度大于对照组(P<0.05)。两组治疗后肝胃不和证积分均较治疗前减少(P<0.05)、HAMA、HAMD评分均较治疗前显著降低(P<0.05);治疗组治疗后肝胃不和证积分和HAMA、HAMD评分降低值均显著大于对照组(P<0.05)。两组不良反应发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.391)。结论 开郁消痞方联合低剂量米氮平治疗FD伴体质量减轻(肝胃不和型),能缓解患者不适症状,改善焦虑、抑郁状态,增加体质量。  相似文献   

The idea that women lie about rape is a long standing rape myth with little or no supporting evidence. Previous research has demonstrated a belief in high levels of false allegations among police officers, despite no evidence to suggest rape is falsely reported more than other crimes. This has implications for complainants’ willingness to report sexual violations, for the treatment of complainants within the justice system, and wider societal understandings about what constitutes rape. The data that informs this paper comes from an Economic and Social Research Council-funded study that focussed on rape attrition and the institutional response to rape. Forty in-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with serving police officers in a UK force who regularly deal with reported cases of rape, and explored perceptions, practices and processes around rape. The research found police officers’ estimate of false allegations varies widely from 5 to 90%. The paper will discuss how police officers make judgements about perceived veracity of complainants in rape cases. This will demonstrate that whilst significant progress has been made in how police officers and police forces respond to rape, gender stereotypes about women as deceitful, vengeful and ultimately regretful of sexual encounters, continue to pervade the thinking of some officers. It will show that police officers differentiate between ‘types’ of reports they consider to be false, and operate with a notional ‘hierarchy’ of presumed false allegations that ranges from vengeful/malicious to mistaken/confused, with a corresponding reducing level of culpability attributed to women for the supposedly false allegation. It concludes that this serves to reinforce a culture that both supports and reproduces gender inequality and its manifestation in the form of sexual violence, and that intervention, training and institutional and policy frameworks are not wholly successful in addressing sexual violence in this context.  相似文献   
自认制度既是民事诉讼辩论原则的内在要求,也是当事人行使处分权的外在表现。自认对于争议之两造以及法院均产生约束力。自认免除了对方当事人对相关事实的证明责任;法院应将自认之事实作为判决的基础;而自认一方当事人应言而有信,不得撤回自认。否认自认效力的依据在于当事人对案件事实的承认严重背离了诚信原则的真实要求。自认效力的否认包括家事诉讼中对超越辩论主义和处分主义支配范围事实的承认、虚假诉讼中对以侵犯他人利益为目的的虚假事实的承认以及对违反众所周知事实的承认三种情形。自认效力的承认与否认型构了自认制度的基本框架,并共同承担向社会倡导诚实守信的良好行为风尚的功能。  相似文献   
随着中国与缅甸贸易和投资的发展,应研究中缅两国会计准则的差异,以促进中缅两国会计趋同,进而带动整个中国一东盟自由贸易区内成员国之间的会计趋同,推进会计准则国际趋同的进程。本文对中缅资产减值会计准则进行比较。  相似文献   
近年来,警察权益受侵害情况越来越严重,这对公安机关的正常运转带来巨大考验。公安机关应端正侵害警察权益案件的应对措施,在法律、管理、制度等方面维护公安民警的合法权益,明晰警察行为准则,完善警察权益救济措施,从而保障警察权益不受损害,提升警察执法自信。  相似文献   
在通谋虚伪表示及被欺诈之情形,民法关于"不得对抗善意第三人"之规定与善意取得制度应可并存。而于胁迫之情形,"撤销得对抗善意第三人"应优先于善意取得而适用,盖惟如此方可践行私法自治之原则。在意思表示错误之情形,不发生意思表示瑕疵与善意取得之关系问题,善意第三人可径直依善意取得而主张其权利。第三人若知悉其前手交易之可撤销性,其非但不得主张"撤销不得对抗善意第三人",亦不得主张依善意取得而受保护。  相似文献   
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